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Showing posts from January, 2013

Decade Project

TEN YEARS AND COUNTING: CROSS STITCH  When I was in my high school days, my Aunt taught me how to do a cross stitch. So that I can use my time efficiently and to learn new things beside from playing outside our house or going from my friends house.  A good thing from doing cross stitch is that you get to practice your imagination on how to assemble the image, base on the given pattern.   Second, you learn to manage your time.  Third, you learn to have fun even if your just inside your house or wherever you want to stitch.  And lastly,  it test your patience in making this one.  So if you are a fond of cross stitching I salute you, because in this kind of  hobby really test your patience. Seriously, until now this daisy girl cross stitch is still on the process.It really takes time to finish this project and as of this moment I don't have the time to finish this one.  A ten Years project