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Showing posts from 2016

Not just A Undas but fambond

FAMBOND A one  of few moment to spend together. In a not so huge family like ours, a few moment we spend counts. With our busy  life and hectic schedule it is almost impossible for us to gather together, but when a time comes around like this. It is special for us to gather. Undas is one of the  Filipino tradition, that we usually celebrate in memory of our love ones. To offer prayers , to light  candles, to offer a blessing, flowers and their favorite food and beverages. These are one the common things we do to them. At the same time, we talk and reminisce the time when they were alive, on what they are doing, their hobby. We usually commemorate this event on November 2nd and since it's on my birthday we double the celebration. Just a small gathering, eating lunch together, makin funny stories, talking about your work or what are the things happen to you for the past month. Also, it is our time discuss family issues and make a resolution. This photo were takin

Makin 3d: Multi -Storey Building concept

MAKIN 3D  Their is always a day when you have nothing else to do in your work, because you done everything. You already organize everything you need to be done for today then you got bored and sleepy. So as a employee you need to do something with your day to make it productive and useful. Then I'm in count on the list. Our boss is not around as of today, then I can make used of my time in to my hobby and likes. The one advantage here in the office. :) Though his not strict with us when it comes to this matter. The fact that he encourage us learn things other than what we are working. So here's another work of mine.  Design Concept While making this design I always thinking to make a structure that's environment friendly. A building that would help not only humanity but also the environment itself. But before I can make it. It takes a lot of time doing research in different  resources. So, I came up with a solution of " plants" . I s

Reunion: One of Pinoy tradition

Reunion One of the famous tradition that we filipino are proud of is reunion. The gathering of family member from different parts of the world. It's important to us, cause it is where we get to know our cousins who are far away from us. Aside from the busy schedule, cause by work. Family do have a ways just to attend the gathering. This is one of the tradition that we filipinos are proud of, getting to know your family tree, eating together, play games and do talking. A lot of talking actually. Their is no need for an expensive foods and things that will be bought at the host but, in a simple way that each families can contribute is a much appreciate.  These reunion happen last September 6, 2016 ( Sunday) , together with the  83th birthday of my grand mom. The family decided to held the gathering with the reunion so that we can be together. So, they are programs different kind of entertainment like karaoke, family games,pranks, and the getting know the family mem

Renovation:terrace sample 3d perspective

Another step of being a designer. Having this job as a designer is never been easy. You have to think, visualize and make it happen. But aside from this brain storming matter, the joy of making designs was indescribable. NO  things can pay the effort you've exert specially when someone appreciate it.  STEPS. There is no easy steps to be a designer. You have strive hard to learn and make your ideas work.  When I first learn things about design, I imagine things would be difficult for me but as time pass by  I was wrong. It takes your imagination go wild and embrace ideas and things that made your mind pop.  This 3D was made by me. Another terrace, it is like a extension for their  dining area, incorporate with the garden and a pond, because it is what the client want. Basically made from sketch up 2015, this is  where I am familiar with, then render it with vray sketch up. It is easier to setup in sketchup and vray than any other 3D software. I also

Lovelife = Travel: how to travel in a cheaper way

Just one ride away Traveling You don't need to close your bank just to have a vacation. All you need is timing, a bit of research, a travel buddy and friends and lastly a guts. Everyone loves traveling even in a very simple you can spend your vacation or rest day.  While your young and got a chance to explore the world, why don't take that chance. We owe it.  But wait.... before you go Here are some tips useful when you are traveling.  This is what I usually do. So take it from me. 1.Book a head of time.   On my experience every time me and my aunt got a plan to travel. We usual do the booking on the ticket 4-6 months or a year ahead before the vacation start.  That's because  First, you'll pay cheaper ticket if your flight schedule is ahead of time. Second, when it comes to adjustment on your flight. They can inform you and arrange your schedule without a haste. Third, you can proceed planning the place were you're

Bukidnon tour whether you like it or not.

Another journey . It's been a year since we came to this place.  A year with fun, with colleagues and friends. Surely, you will get to the point that you'll appreciate everythings that has happen to you. Coz sooner or later, we will never know what will happen. Maybe this is the way life goes.  Ohh enough with the drama. So, we got this foundation day happen, day before we went here. 😉😉 because as theysay when you got a chance grab it. You don't have a whole wasting for a chance.  Yey, we push it to our kuya to have a side trip over dahilayan. It was a nice trip, Fun indeed, also a thrilling one because we don't know the way to this place and just having the guts to ask for a direction from the local. Thanks to them we finally found it.  🙌🙌🙌🙌 Manolo Fortich - it is the name of the place. Brgy. Dahilayan. It is best to go here on a summer coz your going to enjoy much of the scenery and the place itself. The cold weather, the fogs just inch

Summer sunset: an extraordinary gift

Hello again. It's been 2 years, since the last time we came to this place but still marvelous 😍 Guess I'm inlove with this place.This time got a chance to take a vacay with my brother dear. Thank you ☝☝ for giving us the chance to be together.  We arrive in this island.later this afternoon, safe and sound. Then get a happy lunch , withmy happy friends. You know the good thing in traveling is that even though you feel tired on the trip, for a very long trip but then you'll get to see this beautiful sunset. It is worth it.  👏 Capturing this scenery is my hobby. You will never get to take another picture or scene like this everyday. So if their is a chance I go and grab it. Coz it is a Gift.   An extraordinary gift. To much with the chitchat 😊 good night. Going to have a fun day tomorrow. 😊😉😉

Love versus Ego: memoir

Taking a sip on a cup of tea. ....... Thinking Love. ....... Are you in love? or waiting for love? Is this love? How long does one give a chances? ..... How long does one have to sacrifice? Sacrifice? ..... For a person been able to live with his ego for a  long time ago. All of us have this ego inside of us.It is within us on how to control, affects and reflect on the impact that we are going through. We are just a human being, imperfect enough to hurt nor love somebody. It is just a matter on how you cope up on the things happen in our life. How does or how long does he have to adjust. I don't know. Newbie writer here. .... No one can blame him. No one should be ever blame but yourself. Be rational on our action, think. Don't emote You are not the only who  has the same problem as you are don't pity yourself for it. Instead enjoy life, move on. Say Sorry. The hardest word to say. Hey ego, what are you doing give yourself a

Cottage by beach say Hello to summer

Hello Summer. It's been a long time. Since the last time I practice lumion and sketchup for 3d. Since it's a kinda bored here, in the office I took a bit shift in my time. Practicing my 3D modeling skills. Since, it is summer I drained myself thinking a way on how to improve my mood, that's why I came up with the concept of cottage  by the beach. It is really relaxing to see white sand, cottages, beach, the smell of the sea. Doing picnic at night while playing some music. This is one of my concept of Vacation.  VACATION Everyone is looking forward for a vacation even if it's once a year. It is one of the things where we get to enjoy views, beaches and a chance to get new friends or maybe  a lifetime partner. As for the one who missed the chance, like me  will say hello to the virtual reality world. Imagining things like this, is for me a another way to divert my attention to the world of workaholic. You know the feeling of being pressured of the deadl

After Decade of Waiting

Its been years since we were planting  grapes at our house but the harvest a bit small. Amazing it is even though we experience drought this year still we get see this fruit. On my way to work this morning . while taking my  stroll I saw this grapes and waiting to ripe. It's my first time seeing this lots of  fruits compare to last year harvest is a bit small compare to this one. Amaze of what I saw, as a remembrance I took a pictures of them. So happy to have this fruitful harvest this year. Hope we can taste the ripe one of this grapes.

Leslies Restaurant: Tagaytay City

Let's go sago. After a stressful months for the preparation. Finally I got a chance to take a break. I say Welcome to Tagaytay :)  So, after 3 hours of travel by bus. Excluding the traffic we had experience. Here we are in Tagaytay. Together with my travel buddy my Aunt.  Bus Fare : 104 per head ( San Agustin Bus line)  View: MT. Taal, Tagaytay City THE FIRST STOP Since,  we arrive lunch at this place at lunchtime. We decided to take our break at LESLIE'S Restaurant.  One of the famous resto in Tagaytay, known for their famous Bulalo. If I will be the one who'll rate this resto I say 5 stars. Because the place is nice and cozy, if you are hungry and tired from your trip. It is very relaxing to take a break here in this resto or to dine with your loveones. From their location, resto design, cottage, down to their food it is very satisfying. You think its maybe small but think again. Leslie's Bulalo though it may be a little bi


TO STRIVE FOR THE BETTER Everyone of us work and strive to fulfill our dreams and to achieve the word SUCCESS. Just want to share some of the quotes I've found. Be inspired.  "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work." Colin Powell "All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today." Pope Paul VI "Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better." John Carmack “Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up.” – Unknown “I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” –


TLF: THE LORDS FLOCK A long day ends with a picture together. You know the feeling when you prepare things, making it good and expecting it to end good.  Your maybe damn tired but your heart and mind remain to work for it, because you know at the end of the day. The effort and time you spend is fulfilling enough to ease all stress and worries. One of the memory of this event at our community that I will never forget. Spending time with them, is one of the memories I will never forget. Sings songs together, The laugh, the feast, arguing with each other like kids. Having our elder, whose always their to support us. Surely I will missed it. PRESENT Four (4)  years have past, things change. Some of us focus on career. We graduate, have work, have been in a relationship. Some got a kids now. and Some were far away. We got a different lives now, but the bond and smiles, remain in us.  Days may past but the smiles and the moment that was spent together

Kapatagan Tour :Longest hiking ever experience

As the quote say “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ―  Lao Tzu Here I am taking my steps on this journey. The unexpected tour offered to us by my aunt friends. So, taking a bus from Davao City, it takes one hour to travel to Digos City.  Here we take a van going to Brgy. Kapatagan.  The image below were the purok were we the stop and to start our hike going up to the house. WELCOME TO MONTERIL TAKING THE WALK Going up, you can see vast of  shrubs and trees, which you will really appreciate.  Also, they got a lot of villas and other vacation house. One thing that makes this place good is that the weather are nice and cold unlike in the city. This is one of the vacation house I saw while taking our walk.  PINE TREES:LOTS OF PINE TREES Yes, Pine trees. This place feel like you were in Baguio even though this is situated here in Mindanao. Also,  you can take pine cones good idea for incoming Chr