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Showing posts from April, 2016

Love versus Ego: memoir

Taking a sip on a cup of tea. ....... Thinking Love. ....... Are you in love? or waiting for love? Is this love? How long does one give a chances? ..... How long does one have to sacrifice? Sacrifice? ..... For a person been able to live with his ego for a  long time ago. All of us have this ego inside of us.It is within us on how to control, affects and reflect on the impact that we are going through. We are just a human being, imperfect enough to hurt nor love somebody. It is just a matter on how you cope up on the things happen in our life. How does or how long does he have to adjust. I don't know. Newbie writer here. .... No one can blame him. No one should be ever blame but yourself. Be rational on our action, think. Don't emote You are not the only who  has the same problem as you are don't pity yourself for it. Instead enjoy life, move on. Say Sorry. The hardest word to say. Hey ego, what are you doing give yourself a

Cottage by beach say Hello to summer

Hello Summer. It's been a long time. Since the last time I practice lumion and sketchup for 3d. Since it's a kinda bored here, in the office I took a bit shift in my time. Practicing my 3D modeling skills. Since, it is summer I drained myself thinking a way on how to improve my mood, that's why I came up with the concept of cottage  by the beach. It is really relaxing to see white sand, cottages, beach, the smell of the sea. Doing picnic at night while playing some music. This is one of my concept of Vacation.  VACATION Everyone is looking forward for a vacation even if it's once a year. It is one of the things where we get to enjoy views, beaches and a chance to get new friends or maybe  a lifetime partner. As for the one who missed the chance, like me  will say hello to the virtual reality world. Imagining things like this, is for me a another way to divert my attention to the world of workaholic. You know the feeling of being pressured of the deadl

After Decade of Waiting

Its been years since we were planting  grapes at our house but the harvest a bit small. Amazing it is even though we experience drought this year still we get see this fruit. On my way to work this morning . while taking my  stroll I saw this grapes and waiting to ripe. It's my first time seeing this lots of  fruits compare to last year harvest is a bit small compare to this one. Amaze of what I saw, as a remembrance I took a pictures of them. So happy to have this fruitful harvest this year. Hope we can taste the ripe one of this grapes.