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Showing posts from October, 2016

Makin 3d: Multi -Storey Building concept

MAKIN 3D  Their is always a day when you have nothing else to do in your work, because you done everything. You already organize everything you need to be done for today then you got bored and sleepy. So as a employee you need to do something with your day to make it productive and useful. Then I'm in count on the list. Our boss is not around as of today, then I can make used of my time in to my hobby and likes. The one advantage here in the office. :) Though his not strict with us when it comes to this matter. The fact that he encourage us learn things other than what we are working. So here's another work of mine.  Design Concept While making this design I always thinking to make a structure that's environment friendly. A building that would help not only humanity but also the environment itself. But before I can make it. It takes a lot of time doing research in different  resources. So, I came up with a solution of " plants" . I s