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Showing posts from May, 2017

Embarking for a new journey

There is always a time that somebody close to you will sort a journey of a lifetime. Though it will be a tough decision. But you have no right to stop her, for she is already had the decision. For were she's happy. Finding her happiness. A friend of mine, a very close one came up with the decision to serve the almighty one,in the highest position she can. And that is for being a nun . The first thing came up with my mind is why . I remember the time when we both serve  the community where we first know each other, from our home town to the city where we go both attended our college days. Until, we built our friendship. I start asking I may able to live without her, because as far as I  know she's the good adviser I ever had. Do I may able to let her go? On the day she first told me her decision. Those thought run through my mind, but didn't say anything. Who am I to stop her.   Tough. Yes, it is. Its a religious practice in many catholic, that each ind